TrOn – Pharmacokinetics: Part 1 – introduction

Dr Lionel Peter and reviewed by Dr Elizabeth Francis

60 minutes

November 2021

TrOn learning module


Through this module, we will look at various core elements of Pharmacokinetics. While this is not intended to give you a comprehensive understanding of Pharmacokinetics, we will hopefully cover important topics from both exam and clinical practice points of view, as outlined in the learning objectives.

It is hoped that this will be a spur for further reading on the subject, and suggested reading is also included in the relevant section.

Psychopharmacology is an extremely important topic when it comes to the MRCPsych exams. The college curriculum shows it will be one of very few topics to be tested in both written parts and it is a frequent topic for CASC scenarios.

Many people sitting the exams find this area one of the most daunting and intimidating to actually prepare for and if they are unsuccessful, it then becomes an even more intimidating topic.

On the plus side, once the concepts of pharmacology are well learned, they can ensure some easy marks in both written exams. More importantly, a solid understanding of the concepts of pharmacology, and indeed pharmacokinetics, will be useful throughout a psychiatrist’s career. Its usefulness does not end with the completion and obtainment of one’s membership.


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