To enjoy full access to our continually updated website and take advantage of new content you must have an up-to-date subscription. Anyone take out a subscription, however, its target audience is psychiatrists for their continuing professional development (CPD).

If would like to try the site out first, you can register with the College and try our free modules or, if you are a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, you can log into the free modules straight away using the same username and password with which you access the members' area of the College website.

Please see the Subscribe page for more information on subscribing.

You need to log in with your college account details. To reset your password please do so on the College website.

For details on your current subscription, login and visit My account. Details of your subscription can be found in the My subscriptions tile.

Once you have completed a CPD eLearning module or podcast and achieved 100% in the end-of-module test, or watched a Congress webinar, you need to close the browser tab containing the eLearning. Your certificate will then be automatically generated in your My learning account.

You can close the module, podcast or webinar once you have finished it and will be able to download your certificate as evidence of your CPD activity.  The certificate can take up to five minutes to be created. Once it has, you will receive an email and a notification in the top menu bar.

To access the certificate go to the My learning area and select the 'Awards' link in the blue navigation bar, then select 'My Awards'. Select the award from the list or search using the search bar. Select the certificate and then select 'Generate certificate' at the bottom of the pop-up window.  Your certificate will generate, and you can then download and save it.

For College members, the College Library and Information Service can undertake literature searches and offer free access to all articles and documents published by the College, as well as articles from many major psychiatric and international journals. Non-members also have access to articles from College journals. Contact Information Services.

Institutional users with OpenAthens access need to login via the eLearning Hub, selecting the option 'Institutional login'. Select the link 'Sign in with an OpenAthens account' to go to the OpenAthens login page. Then sign in with your OpenAthens account.

My learning automatically sends out emails to notify you of course completion/certificates generated. Please ensure you check your junk mail or any spam filters.

The modules and podcasts are listed as being relevant to CPD domain(s) as specified by the authors. If you’d like to claim against another CPD domain not listed, this can be agreed with your peer group.

The default CPD credit (hours) for completing this module is shown on the certificate, but we appreciate that sometimes you may spend longer completing a module; this can be recognised in review with your peer group.