CPD eLearning

CPD eLearning is the online learning resource for consultant psychiatrists and other mental health professionals from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

As self-teaching and flexible working has become increasingly important, a growing demand for online learning has also developed. We are pleased to respond to this need by offering a wealth of online learning modules and podcasts covering a vast range of topics.

Our ever-growing list of modules and podcasts provides a flexible, interactive way of keeping up to date with progress in mental health, and complements the College's other long-established CPD activities, such as BJPsych Advances (formerly Advances in Psychiatric Treatment). All modules are written by experts in their field and are peer reviewed and edited to the highest standards. Modules last between 30 and 90 minutes, and we add new content and update existing content regularly.

Furthermore, College members may use CPD eLearning for up to 25 CPD credits (currently 50) in the UK. For more information about CPD, please read the College report (OP98): Continuing Professional Development: Guidance for Psychiatrists or visit the Continuing Professional Development area of the College website.

Integral to CPD activities is the requirement that psychiatrists will accomplish CPD in a variety of settings (see College Report OP98: Continuing Professional Development: Guidance for Psychiatrists).

Clinical - All educational activities that relate to the development of individual clinical and diagnostic skills or updating of specialist knowledge should be recorded in this category. An example would be attendance at a course approved by a medical Royal College.

Academic - Academic activities might include postgraduate teaching, educational supervision, examining and publishing. You do not need to work in an academic post to claim credits in this section. Clinical audit, teaching and research are all forms of academic CPD.

Professional - Professional activities are those that promote organisational, managerial, legal, administrative and other non-clinical skills. Peer-group meetings, management training and information technology (IT) training, all fall into this category.

Modules and podcasts may be categorised into one, two or all three domains, but this is for your guidance only.

Learning modules are generally pitched at consultant psychiatrist level.

Currently, eLearning can account for 50 hours of CPD learning.

Modules have minimum recommended times of 30, 60 or 90 minutes. Ideally, allow for a little extra time in case there are areas you want to focus on more closely. In order to get the most out of the learning we recommend that you focus completely on the module when you are working through it rather than try to multitask.

Modules have associated downloadable Take-home notes and Useful resources to supplement your learning. Modules also provide reflective templates which encourage you to think about your existing knowledge or apply your learning to your own practice. You will get more out of a module if you allow time for these reflections and take some notes to refer back to later.

If you prefer learning collaboratively rather than on your own, think about working through modules in your peer group or in smaller groups with colleagues. Working in groups provides an ideal opportunity to discuss views and experiences during 'reflections' and share ideas when completing the quizzes and interactive exercises. The process works best if each member of the group is logged into the site on separate devices so that everyone can receive their individual certificates of completion.

Please note that the CPD and revalidation process is separate. For information and to submit your return online please visit the CPD page of the College website.

Your list of module certificates will provide the information required for your CPD return (name of module, date completed, CPD domain and number of credits). Please note that you may be asked to provide copies of your module certificates if your CPD return is selected for audit.

If you have any queries about your annual CPD return please contact the College CPD & Revalidation department on 020 8618 4160 or cpdqueries@rcpsych.ac.uk

One of the aspects of CPD eLearning that we pride ourselves on is that it really is an up-to-date resource. We ask authors to review and update their modules regularly.

Over the past 18 months we have had a real drive to get material updated and keep it topical. We are pleased to report that around two-thirds of our live modules have been updated/reviewed or newly published within the past 2 years.

Where else can you find this level of up-to-date and peer-reviewed learning at your fingertips?

Recently updated modules:
Modules coming soon
  • An introduction to health economics
  • Evidence-based mental health
  • The impact of climate change on children and young people's mental health

  • Modules in development


    • The endocannabinoid system and medical cannabis
    • Chemsex: sexualised drug use

    Child and adolescence

    • Fabricated and induced illness (FII): medical child abuse, abuse of dependents
    • Supporting children and young people who are exploring their gender identity
    • The impact of climate change on children and young people's mental health

    Cultural diversity

    • The medical humanities in psychiatric practice
    • Supporting children and young people who are exploring their gender identity

    Eating disorders

    • MEED


    • The medical humanities in psychiatric practice


    • Mental disorder, neurodiversity and health screening in police custody

    General and community

    • Adult safeguarding
    • An overview of movement disorders for psychiatrists
    • Community safety in mental health
    • Medical activism in the era of the climate crisis
    • Medical humanities in psychiatric practice
    • Relational Prescribing
    • Treatment-resistant schizophrenia

    Intellectual disability

    • Supporting and empowering neurodivergent doctors towards equity, inclusion and thriving at work

    IT informatics

    • AI in psychiatry: Part 1 and Part 2
    • Introduction to digital psychiatry: online assessments and mobile health apps


    • A brief clinician's guide to inquests


    • Person-centered care in psychiatry – a philosophically informed clinical approach

    Medical management

    • Evidence-based mental health
    • An introduction to health economics
    • Appraisal and revalidation


    • Insomnia
    • Microbiome and psychiatry

    Old age

    • Basics of geriatric medicine: Part 1 and Part 2


    • Anxiety disorders
    • Introduction: the perinatal frame of mind
    • Pre-birth planning
    • Pre-conception counselling
    • Prescribing in pregnancy 


    • Chemsex: sexualised drug use
    • Pharmacological management of borderline personality disorder: a guide for the busy clinician
    • Treatment-resistant schizophrenia

    Quality and safety

    • Adult safeguarding
    • Community safety in mental health 


    • Nature matters
    • Medical activism in the era of climate crisis
    • The ecological crisis and child and adolescent mental health

    Teaching, training and assessment

    • Appraisal and revalidation

    Working with patients and carers

    • Person-centered care in psychiatry: a philosophically informed clinical approach
    • The impact of patient suicide on psychiatrists: preparation, processing, and support