Alcohol and the brain

Dr Anne Lingford-Hughes, Dr Noah Stanton, Dr Samuel Turton, Dr Ashwin Venkataraman and Ms Rosie Lees

90 minutes


December 2024

CPD learning module

CPD domain:

Alcohol and the brain.jpg

In this module, we will examine how alcohol affects the brain at a structural level.

We will also look at:

  • which brain areas are involved in mediating the effects of alcohol,
  • the processes involved in dependency,
  • the neuropharmacology involved in mediating the key effects of alcohol,
  • neuroadaptations with chronic use and withdrawal,
  • the underlying psychopharmacology of pharmacotherapeutic strategies,
  • how neuroimaging has been used to characterise the neurobiology of alcoholism.
Learning objectives:

By the end of this module you should be able to demonstrate a clear knowledge of:

• how different neuroimaging techniques can be used to characterise the neurobiology of alcohol

• the effects of alcohol on brain function and structure

• the key neurotransmitter systems that modulate the acute effects of alcohol

• the neuroadaptions that occur following chronic alcohol consumption

• how the different therapeutic drugs for alcoholism interact with different neurotransmitter systems.




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