ADHD for general adult psychiatrists – RCPsych event

Dr S Arulanandam, Dr J Van Niekerk, Dr J Eccles, Professor S Cortese, Professor K Fone, Dr P Natarajan, K van Rensburg, Dr M Arif, Dr S Senthil, Dr D Hank, Professor R Mukherjee, Dr M Kashif, Dr U Müller-Sedgwick, Dr R Marlow

90+ minutes


November 2024



This online event aims to educate general adult psychiatrists about the nature, assessment and management of adult ADHD. It wants to equip psychiatrists to recognise the condition and contribute to achieving successful outcomes. It seeks to support psychiatrists to be better able to respond to the needs of people with adult ADHD by successfully combining pharmacological and psychosocial interventions, also taking into account the wider support requirements for people with ADHD and their social network.

Learning objectives:

1. Understand the core diagnostic features and neurobiology of adult ADHD.

2. Be able to screen for and diagnose adult ADHD and distinguish ADHD from other common mental health disorders.

3. Be able to provide an overview of the treatment options for adult ADHD.


Session 1 - Dr Sherlie Arulanandam, Dr Jon Van Niekerk, Dr Jessica Eccles, Professor Samuele Cortese, Professor Kevin Fone

Session 2 - Dr Priyadarshini Natarajan, Kobus van Rensburg, Dr Muhammad Arif

Session 3 - Dr Sophia Senthil, Dr Dietmar Hank, Professor Raja Mukherjee

Session 4 - Dr Mohammad Kashif, Dr Ulrich Müller-Sedgwick, Dr Ruth Marlow, Dr Ulrich Müller-Sedgwick


5 hours 40 minutes


You will have access to this webinar for 12 months after you have purchased it.


Non-member: £117

Consultant: £88

Resident (Higher)/SAS Doctors: £65

Resident (Core)/Subsided*/Retired/Medical Students/FY Doctors: £41




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