Compassion, collaboration and care plans; improving the experience of managing medical emergencies in eating disorders

Chloe Beale, Amy Green

75 minutes


July 2023

Congress webinar 2023


The risk of developing an eating disorder (ED) or exacerbation of existing illness is increasing. Lack of investment in specialist ED services means the level of need outstrips resources and expertise. Patients are suffering on long waiting lists and the number of patients requiring urgent medical treatment is at an all-time high. Acute Trusts are distressing places for people with EDs and are not equipped with sufficiently experienced staff to manage this level of complexity. Consequently, this experience can be traumatising for patients and their risk of death is higher than any other mental disorder.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists Eating Disorders and Liaison Psychiatry working group recognise a training need for psychiatrists and allied healthcare professionals and have developed strategies to address this. In this practical and reflective session, we present psychiatric, dietetic and patient perspectives of treatment for EDs in the medical setting. The panel will describe how they overcame challenges that arose and impart the valuable lessons they have learnt.

In this masterclass we:

- Present the strategies of the Eating Disorder and Liaison Psychiatry working group

- Summarise the MEED guidance

- Draw on patient and clinician experience to demonstrate how compassion, collaboration and care planning improve patient outcomes.

This session will help you to:

- Identify the problem associated with the increase in prevalence and complexity of eating disorders.

- Understand the challenges of supporting medically unwell patients with eating disorders from a patient and clinicians’ perspectives.

- Learn practical strategies from good practice to improve patient outcomes based on the 'Managing Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders' (MEED) guidance.

- Reflect on the experience of receiving medical treatment for an eating disorder.


Chair: Chloe Beale, Homerton University Hospital, London, United Kingdom

Amy Green, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, United Kingdom

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