Implementing measurement-based assessment and care in child and youth clinical settings

Professor Helen Minnis, Professor Kapil Sayal, Dr Jason Lang, Professor Peter Szatmari

75 minutes


June 2024

Congress webinar 2024


Measurement-based assessment and care involves the systematic collection of baseline and outcome measures to guide clinical decision-making. It has been shown to improve outcomes in adult mental health collaborative care models. Although relatively less used in child and youth psychiatry, initial reports show promise of better outcomes. This session will present findings from recent RCTs and discuss recent innovations and potential implementation challenges and facilitators, including highlighting meaningful Patient and Public Involvement (PPI). Tools for enabling measurement-based assessment & care and ensuring implementation of evidence-based guidelines and shared decision-making will be shared with participants to facilitate and improve clinical efficiency and outcomes.

We are an international group (based across England, Scotland and Canada) of clinically-active academic psychiatrists and we will present and share recent work and learning around testing and implementing measurement-based assessment & care in different clinical settings:

  • findings and Learning from the recently-completed NIHR-funded “STADIA” RCT (n=1225) in CAMHS which has investigated the use of a Standardised Diagnostic Assessment tool for emotional disorders and its impact on service and clinical outcomes
  • knowledge gained through implementing ESSENCE-D (a novel online neurodevelopmental assessment platform) for children and young people
  • findings and Learning from a clinical trial in Canada (CARIBOU) using measurement-based care alongside CBT for youth with depression, including qualitative data about participants’ views around the opportunity to share their mental health status at each visit, using a reliable and valid measurement tool.
  • To share new knowledge and insights from recently-completed trials and wider research
  • To engage participants in the promotion of measurement-based assessment and care in child and youth mental health clinical settings.
  • To develop a clear understanding of what constitutes the different components of measurement-based assessment and care including care pathways, assessment and outcome measures selection and shared decision-making.
  • To share knowledge about platforms, effectiveness, and implementation facilitators of measurement-based assessment and care across the different settings and contexts in which clinicians practice.

Chair: Professor Helen Minnis, University of Glasgow, Glasgow

Professor Kapil Sayal, University of Nottingham, Nottingham

Dr Jason Lang, University of Glasgow, Glasgow

Professor Peter Szatmari, Cundill Centre for Child and Youth Depression, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto



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