Designed especially for psychiatrists, this annual Physical Health Update event provides practical information about physical health topics relevant to people with mental conditions, delivered by experts in their fields.
This webinar contains selected sessions from the event.
Neurological emergencies: recognition and first response - Dr Chris Douglass
It is essential for psychiatrists to be able to recognise common treatable neurological conditions and to know when (and how quickly) to refer to the neurology clinic for investigation, diagnosis and treatment; and to recognise at an early stage those acute symptoms or signs which indicate the need for urgent hospital referral.
This talk describes the most important neurological emergencies, along with their management and recommendations for referral. Neurological emergencies include patients with a loss of consciousness, first fit, headaches, stroke, myasthenia gravis, cauda equina compression and more.
Dementia: recent advances from a neurological perspective - Dr Philip Weston
In recent years there have been significant advances in our understanding of the different underlying pathological causes of dementia and their different clinical phenotypes. Knowledge of these different conditions is essential in order to provide a specific diagnosis for our patients and to enable personalised education, care and support. As we move towards an era of disease modifying treatments, which target specific molecular processes, the importance of specific diagnosis is becoming yet greater, although is not without challenges. During the talk, the different clinical sub-types will be discussed, including available targeted investigations and emerging treatment strategies.
Gastroenterology: what you really need to know - Dr David Dewar
This teaching aims to cover the first-line management of chronic GI conditions and symptoms specific to psychiatry, including reasons for referral and where to seek advice.
Skin and soft tissue infections - Dr Lucy Lamb
This presentation will cover the following key learning points:
- Basic understanding of the skin structure and location of different infections.
- Demographic features amongst patients returning with skin infections.
- How to approach a patient with a skin infection when they return from abroad.
- Management of different clinical presentations.
- Infections that may pose a risk to me.
- Common infections.
- Tropical associated infections.
Medication safety in pregnancy and the puerperium - Dr Kenneth Hodson
Prescribing for pregnant patients causes anxiety and uncertainty for both clinicians and patients. Often the default option is to not prescribe, or to stop all medication. However, this leaves patients vulnerable since poorly treated physical or mental health conditions can carry substantial risk to both the patient and their baby. Reticence to prescribe necessary treatment is often a factor contributing to poor maternal and neonatal outcomes and mortality.
This presentation will cover the challenges and the difficulties in interpreting data. Evidence-based resources to improve confidence and knowledge, with a specific focus on medication used for mental health conditions, will be signposted.
Total duration
3 hours 15 minutes
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