Publishing in the College journals: scope, scholarship and success - an educational session for all College members throughout their career

Dr Derek Tracy, Professor Gin Malhi, Professor Kenneth Kaufman, Dr Andrew Forrester, Dr Marinos Kyriakopoulos, Professor Asit Biswas

75 minutes


June 2024

Congress webinar 2024


This symposium will begin with the College Editor providing a brief overview of how to become involved in any of the family of College journals as an author, reviewer, or as a board member. The remainder will then comprise two parts.

The first part will consist of five succinct presentations, each of which will be delivered by the Editor-in-Chief of each respective RCPsych journal. These presentations will outline the scope of each journal, its overarching goals and how the EiC decides which papers are of interest and worthy of publication. The speakers will also point out any unique aspects of their particular journal and give examples of different types of articles that they publish.

The second part will comprise discussion amongst the speakers that will be driven by questions from the audience. It will thus be interactive and ensure audience engagement. This interactive session will be important as it will inform the College membership how they can become involved in each of the journals, and how they can publish papers within the journals and what to expect from the College publications.

  • Increase engagement and knowledge of each of the journals and in particular their scope and processes.
  • To provide guidance regarding academia and research and in particular, publishing in the college journals.
  • To encourage engagement with the journals and peer reviewers, authors, and participation within the ed boards.

Chair: Dr Derek Tracy, West London NHS Trust, London

Professor Gin Malhi, University of Sydney, Sydney

Professor Kenneth Kaufman, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Jersey

Dr Andrew Forrester, University of Cardiff, Cardiff

Dr Marinos Kyriakopoulos, Editor in Chief, BJPsych International, London

Professor Asit Biswas, Editor in Chief, BJPsych Advances, Nottingham




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