Supporting all your trainees to pass the MRCPsych examination: making it personal

Professor Subodh Dave, Dr Ian Hall, Chief Examiner, Dr Rahul Bhattacharya, Dr Stephanie Ewen

75 minutes


June 2024

Congress webinar 2024


We conducted an extensive consultation with trainees and clinical educators as part of the College's Assessment Strategy Review. This revealed that many struggle with supporting their trainees with the exam, and their knowledge of the exam was limited. It was also clear that there is widespread concern about differential pass rates, particularly amongst International Medical Graduates and neurodiverse candidates, and supervisors were looking for ways to support these groups in particular.

In this session, we will cover:

  • how to access basic information about the exam
  • how our explicit blueprinting helps you to know what will come up
  • data on the incorporation of new questions and stations in the exam
  • the range of learning strategies that will help maximise success
  • the benefits of a personalised approach - for example personalised and organisational support for international medical graduates, or candidates with neurodiverse conditions
  • a trainee perspective on what they are looking for from their educators
  • suggestions for local Faculty Development programs to help implement improvements We will use some interactive techniques in the session to help maximise engagement.
  • Know how to access information about the exam.
  • Understand how to predict what will be examined.
  • Be able to support trainees in developing a range of learning strategies.
  • Understand the trainee perspective on how they can be best supported.
  • Adopt a personalised approach to supporting trainees.
  • Have ideas for a local faculty development program.

Chair: Professor Subodh Dave, Dean, Royal College of Psychiatrists, London

Dr Ian Hall, Chief Examiner, Royal College of Psychiatrists, London

Dr Rahul Bhattacharya, East London NHS Foundation Trust, London

Dr Stephanie Ewen, Maudsley Higher Training Scheme in Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability, London



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