Ageing demographic is increasing globally. Coupled with this demography, prevalence of comorbidities, disabilities including physical and brain health, are increasing. Research is focusing on compressing comorbidity such that we experience better quality of life and longer independence during extended lifespan. There are a number of measures of biological ageing which is a more accurate predictor of comorbidities, both physical and mental, than chronological age. A number of health behaviours influence biological ageing and many are mediated through inflammatory pathways. The modifiable behaviours and interventions will be reviewed in the context of the pace of ageing coupled with potential biomarkers of biological ageing.
Chair: Fiona Gaughran, National Psychosis Service, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
Regius Professor Rose Anne Kenny, MD, FRCP, FRCPI, FRCPEdin, FESC, FTCD, FFPHMI (Hon), MRIA, D.Sc. h.c. ; Professor of Medical Gerontology, Trinity College, Dublin and Mercers Institute for Successful Ageing, St James Hospital, Dublin