CPD eLearning annual subscription

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CPD eLearning



Access to over 400 learning modules and podcasts

Gain up to 50 hours of core learning for CPD in the UK

A cost-effective way to gain your CPD requirement

Access mobile-responsive learning to fit around your timetable

Print out a certificate for each successfully completed module

Measure your understanding and engage with interactive activities and tests, audio and video

Access a trusted source of up-to-date information on the latest research and developments in academic and clinical best practice

Share the knowledge and experience of experts in their field to encourage collaborative learning

Access signposts for further study with links to other relevant journal articles, references, resources and events

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Your trust or institution may have a group CPD subscription. Please check to confirm. We are unfortunately not able to provide refunds if you have purchased an individual subscription and subsequently become part of a group subscription.

Subscription cost per year (per user) 2025's price
Individual RCPsych members £101
Individual Non-members £254

For institutional subscriptions please see our institutional subscribers’ page.

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