TrOn mapping

1. Behavioural science and socio-cultural psychiatry
1.1 Basic psychology
Syllabic curriculum content
1.1.1 Learning theory: classical, operant, observational and cognitive models. The concepts of extinction and reinforcement. Learning processes and aetiological formulation of clinical problems, including the concepts of generalisation, secondary reinforcement, incubation and stimulus preparedness. Escape and avoidance conditioning. Clinical applications in behavioural treatments: reciprocal inhibition, habituation, chaining, shaping, cueing. The impact of various reinforcement schedules. The psychology of punishment. Optimal conditions for observational learning. Learning theory
1.1.2 Basic principles of visual and auditory perception: figure ground differentiation, object constancy, set, and other aspects of perceptual organisation. Perception as an active process. The relevance of perceptual theory to illusions, hallucinations and other psychopathology. The development of visual perception as an illustration of constitutional/ environmental interaction. Basic principles of visual and auditory perception
1.1.3 Information processing and attention. The application of these to the study of schizophrenia and other conditions. Attention and information processing
1.1.4 Memory: influences upon and optimal conditions for encoding, storage and retrieval. Primary working memory storage capacity and the principle of chunking. Semantic episodic and skills memories and other aspects of long-term/secondary memory. The process of forgetting. Emotional factors and retrieval. Distortion, inference, schemata and elaboration in relation. The relevance of this to memory disorders and their assessment. Memory
1.1.5 Thought: the possible relationship with language. Concepts, prototypes and cores. Deductive and inductive reasoning. Problem solving strategies, algorithms and heuristics. Thought
1.1.6 Personality: derivation of nomothetic and idiographic theories. Trait and type approaches and elementary personal construct theory. Resume of principles underlying psychoanalytic, social learning, cognitive neuroscience and humanistic approaches. The interactionist approach. Construction and use of inventories, rating scales, grids and Q-sort. Personality
1.1.7 Motivation: needs and drives. Extrinsic theories (based on primary and secondary drive reduction) and homeostasis. Hypothalamic systems and satiety. Intrinsic theories, curiosity and optimum levels of arousal. Limitations of approach and attempts to integrate. Cognitive consistency. Need for achievement (nAch). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Motivation: needs and drives
1.1.8 Emotion: components of emotional response. Critical appraisal of James-Lange and Cannon-Bard theories. Cognitive appraisal, differentiation and the status of primary emotions. Emotions and performance. Emotion
1.1.9 Stress: physiological and psychological aspects. Situational factors: life events, daily hassles/uplifts, conflict and trauma. Vulnerability and invulnerability, type A behaviour theory. Coping mechanisms. Locus of control, learned helplessness and learned resourcefulness. Resilience.  Stress: physiological and psychological aspects
1.1.10 States and levels of awareness: levels of consciousness and evidence for unconscious processing. Arousal, attention and alertness. Sleep structure and dreaming. Parasomnias. Biorhythms and effects of sleep deprivation. Hypnosis and suggestibility. Meditation and trances. States and levels of awareness
1.2 Social psychology
Syllabic curriculum content
1.2.1 Attitudes: components and measurement by Thurstone, Likert and semantic differential scales. Attitude change and persuasive communication. Cognitive consistency and dissonance. Attitude behaviour relationships. Attitudes
1.2.2 Self psychology: self-concept, self-esteem and self-image. Self-recognition and personal identity. Self-psychology
1.2.3 Interpersonal issues: person perception, affiliation and friendship. Attribution theory, ‘naive psychology’ and the primary (fundamental) attribution error. Social behaviour in social interactions. ‘Theory of mind’ as it might apply to pervasive developmental and personality disorders. Elemental linguistics as applied to interpersonal communication. Interpersonal issues
1.2.4 Leadership, social influence, power and obedience. Types of social power. Influence operating in small and large groups or crowds: conformity, polarisation and ‘groupthink’, deindividuation. Communicative control in relationships. Social influence: leadership, power, conformity and obedience
1.2.5 Intergroup behaviour: prejudice, stereotypes and intergroup hostility. Social identity and group membership. Intergroup behaviour
1.2.6 Aggression: explanations according to social learning theory, operant conditioning, ethnology, frustration and arousal concepts. The influence of television and other media. Family and social backgrounds of aggressive individuals. Aggression
1.2.7 Altruism, social exchange theory and helping relationships. Interpersonal co-operation. Altruism
1.3 Social science and socio-cultural psychiatry
Syllabic curriculum content
1.3.1 Descriptive terms: social class, socio-economic status and their relevance to psychiatric disorder and health care delivery.


Social class, socioeconomic status and their relevance to psychiatric disorder and healthcare delivery (forthcoming)
1.3.2 The social roles of doctors. Sick role and illness behaviour. The social role of doctors
1.3.3 Family life in relation to major mental illness (particularly the effects of high Expressed Emotion). Family life in relation to major mental illness
1.3.4 Social factors and specific mental health issues, particularly depression, schizophrenia and addictions. Life events and their subjective, contextual evaluation. Social factors and specific mental health issues
1.3.5 The sociology of residential institutions. A social history of mental health institutions
1.3.6 Basic principles of criminology and penology. Basic principles of criminology and penology
1.3.7 Stigma and prejudice. Stigma and prejudice
1.3.8 Ethnic minorities, acculturation and mental health. The mental health of ethnic minorities
1.3.9 Ethics and philosophy in psychiatry Ethics and philosophy in psychiatry
2. Human development
Syllabic curriculum content

2.1 Basic frameworks for conceptualising development: nature and nurture, stage theories, maturational tasks. Possible definitions of maturity. Examination of gene-environment interactions with specific reference to intelligence. Relative influence of early versus later adversities. The relevance of developmental framework for understanding the impact of specific adversities such as trauma. Historical models and theories: Freud and general psychoanalytic; social-learning, Piaget.


2.2 Methodology for studying development: cross sectional, cohort and individual studies. Identification and evaluation of influences.

Conceptualising and studying development

2.3 Bowlby attachment theory and its relevance to emotional development, affect regulation and human relationships in childhood and later on. Conditions for secure attachment. Types and clinical relevance of insecure and disorganised attachment. Early separation and its consequences. Consequences of failure to develop selective attachments. Brief consideration of attachment, maternal ‘bonding’ parental sensitivity.


2.4 Other aspects of family relationships and parenting practices. The influence of parental attitudes compared with parenting practices. Systemic theory including supportive systems in development, and aspects of distorted family function: e.g. discord, overprotection, rejection, and enmeshment. The impact of bereavement, parental divorce and intra-familial abuse on subsequent development and mental health of the child. The relevance or otherwise of different family structures including cultural influences on family and stages of family.

Family relationships

2.5 Individual temperamental differences and their impact on parent-child relationships. Origins, typologies and stability of temperament and the evolution of character and personality. Childhood vulnerability and resilience with respect to mental health.


2.6 Cognitive development with critical reference to key models such as the bio-psychosocial model and Piaget’s model. The impact of attributions and beliefs, and cultural, genetic and other influences. The relevance of preoperational and formal operational thought to communication with children and adults.

Development of temperament
2.7 Basic outline of language development in childhood with special reference to environmental influences and communicative competence. Development of language

2.8 Development of social competence and relationships with peers:

acceptance, group formation, co-operation, friendships, isolation and rejection. The components of popularity.


2.9 Moral development with critical reference to Kohlberg’s stage theory. Relationship to development of social perspective taking.

Development of social competence and morals
2.10 Development of emotion literacy and emotional regulation in childhood and adolescence including development of fears in childhood and adolescence with reference to age. Possible aetiological and maintenance mechanisms. Development of temperament

2.11 Sexual development including the development of sexual identity and preferences.


2.12 Adolescence as a developmental phase with special reference to pubertal changes, task mastery, conflict with parents and authority, affective stability and ‘turmoil’. Normal and abnormal adolescent development.

Adolescence and sexual development

2.13 Adaptations in adult life, such as pairing, parenting, illness, bereavement and loss.

2.14 Pregnancy and childbirth and their stresses both physiological and psychological.

2.15 The development of personal (ego-) identity in adolescence and adult life. Work, ethnic, gender and other identities. Mid-life ‘crises’.

Adaptations in adult life

2.16 Normal ageing and its impact on physical, social, cognitive and emotional aspects of individual functioning. Social changes accompanying old age, importance of loss, personality changes with ageing. Social and economic factors in old age; attitude, status of the elderly, retirement, income, accommodation, socio-cultural differences.

2.17 Genetic influences on development including gene environment interactions.

2.18 Neuroimaging and its role in understanding development. Up to date findings in this field.

Normal ageing
3. Neuroscience
3.1 Basic techniques in neuroscience
Syllabic curriculum content

3.1 Basic Techniques in neuroscience:

3.1.1 Recording from the brain: Single unit recordings


Currently no corresponding content for EEG (including frequency bands), normal findings, and evoked response techniques. Applications to investigation of cerebral pathology, seizure disorders, sleep and psychiatric disorders and effects of drugs on the EEG. The EEG Neuroimaging and its role in understanding brain function (including structural MRI, DTI, fMRI, PET, MR spectroscopy) Microdialysis.

3.1.2 Perturbing brain function (including lesion studies, electrical stimulation, optogenetics, TMS, tDCS, deep brain stimulation, vagus nerve stimulation).

3.1.3 Animal models of psychiatric disease.

3.1.4 Computational modelling and models, and data-analytic descriptions.

Currently no corresponding content
3.2 Cells
Syllabic curriculum content
3.2.1 The types of cell found within the nervous system and their anatomical and functional localisation in layers in different parts of the cortex. Types of cell in the nervous system
3.2.2 Fundamental concepts in the physiology of neurones, synapses and receptors, including an understanding of resting potential, action potential, ion fluxes and channels, G-protein coupled receptors, allosteric modulation of receptors, synaptic plasticity and pruning etc.

The physiology of neurons

Currently no corresponding content on: G-protein coupled receptors, allosteric modulation of receptors, synaptic plasticity and pruning.

3.2.3 Modelling single neurons and their combination in circuits. Currently no corresponding content
3.3 Neurotransmitters and receptors
Syllabic curriculum content
3.3.1 Transmitter synthesis, storage, release and uptake. Ion channels and calcium flux in relation to synaptic physiology. Neurotransmitters
3.3.2 Knowledge of receptor structure and function in relation to the transmitters listed below. Pre-synaptic and post-synaptic receptors. Neuroreceptors
3.3.3 Knowledge of the principle second messenger systems related to the transmitters listed below and those related to basic neuronal homeostasis and plasticity. Some coverage in Neurotransmitters
3.3.4 Basic pharmacology of noradrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, GABA, acetylcholine, excitatory amino acids. Pharmacology of neurotransmitters (forthcoming)
3.3.5 Knowledge of neuropeptides, particularly corticotrophin releasing hormone, cholecystokinin, ghrelin, leptin, GLP-1, encephalins/endorphins, endocannabinoid system, orexins. Neuropeptides (forthcoming)
3.3.6 Links between neurotransmitter systems and findings from genetic association studies in psychiatry. Currently no corresponding content
3.3.7 Effects of opioids and common recreational drugs on neurotransmission, and link to mental health symptoms Currently no corresponding content
3.4 Neuroanatomy
Syllabic curriculum content
3.4.1 The general anatomy of the brain and the functions of the lobes and some of the major gyri including the prefrontal cortex, cingulate gyrus and limbic system. A working knowledge of cranial nerve and spinal cord structure. The general anatomy of the brain and the functions of the lobes and gyri 


3.4.2 The anatomy of the basal ganglia, i.e. caudate, putamen, the globus pallidus, ventral pallidum, substantia nigra, and subthalamic nucleus. The anatomy of the basal ganglia
3.4.3 The internal anatomy of the temporal lobes, hippocampal formation and amygdala, neurogenesis and its possible role in mental health, temporal lobe epilepsy. The internal anatomy of the temporal lobes
3.4.4 The internal anatomy of the frontal lobes and cingulate gyrus. The internal anatomy of the frontal lobes (forthcoming)
3.4.5 The major white matter pathways, e.g. corpus callosum, fornix, Papez’s circuit and other pathways relevant to integrated behaviour. The major white matter pathways
3.4.6 The anatomical course of major neurochemical pathways, including the nigrostriatal, mesolimbic and mesocortical dopamine pathways, the ascending noradrenergic pathway from the locus coeruleus, the basal forebrain cholinergic pathway, the brain stem cholinergic pathway, the corticofugal glutamate system and serotonin pathways. The anatomical course of major neurochemical pathways
3.5 Neural circuits
Syllabic curriculum content

3.5.1 The neural circuits involved in the following, and how these functions are disturbed in psychiatric disorders: Appetite, hunger and thirst, including disturbance in eating disorders and mood disorders, medication side-effects.

The neural and endocrine systems

Currently no corresponding content for: disturbances in eating disorders and mood disorders Sleep, arousal, effects of sleep deprivation, primary sleep disorders, role of sleep in other psychiatric disorders.

The physiology of arousal and sleep.

Currently no corresponding content on: effects of sleep deprivation, primary sleep disorders, role of sleep in other psychiatric disorders. Sex, including effects of hormonal treatments, gender identity, disturbances related to psychiatric disorder, and psychotropic-induced disturbance. Aggression. Pain and chronic pain. Motor control, including neurobiology of extra-pyramidal side-effects.

The neural and endocrine systems.

Currently no corresponding content on: chronic pain Learning, including computational models both in normal learning and in pathology (associative learning by Hebbian adaptation; unsupervised vs. supervised, reinforcement). Covered partially in Learning theory Habit formation, including neurobiology of obsessions and compulsions. Currently no corresponding content Motivation, reward and pleasure, including relevance to mood disorders, psychosis and emotional instability.

The neural and endocrine systems Emotion and its regulation, including relevance to mood disorders, psychosis and emotional instability. Covered partially in Emotion Perception. The neural and endocrine systems Attention, impairment in ADHD. Covered partially in Attention and information processing Memory, including in dementia and PTSD. The neural and endocrine systems Executive function, hypofrontality, impulsivity. Covered partially in The general anatomy of the brain and the functions of the lobes and gyri Empathy, theory of mind, including in autism and dissocial behaviour

3.5.2 Default mode and salience networks.

Currently no corresponding content
3.6 Modulators (hormones, inflammatory responses)
Syllabic curriculum content
3.6.1 An understanding of the neuroendocrine system, in particular the control of the secretion of hypothalamic and pituitary hormones (by releasing factors and by feedback control) and posterior pituitary function. Neuroendocrine disorders
3.6.2 The stress response, effects of glucocorticoids. The neural and endocrine systems
3.6.3 The main hormonal changes and neuroendocrine changes in psychiatric disorders. Neuroendocrine disorders
3.6.4 An understanding of the effects of inflammation and the immune response on neural function and the onset/maintenance of psychiatric illness. Currently no corresponding content
3.7 Genetics
Syllabic curriculum content
3.7.1 Brief explanations of methodologies for identifying genes. Basic concepts: chromosomes, cell division, gene structure, transcription and translation, structure of the human genome, patterns of inheritance. Traditional techniques: family, twin and adoption studies. Distinction between direct gene analysis and gene tracking. Genetic markers, linkage studies, lod scores. Genome wide association studies, genetic variants. Genetic influences on development including gene-environment interactions. Covered across Basic genetics , Clinical genetics and Techniques in genetics (forthcoming)
3.7.2 Types of genetic abnormalities. Conditions associated with chromosome abnormalities. Principal inherited conditions encountered in psychiatric practice and the genetic contribution to specific psychiatric disorders. Prenatal identification. Genetic counselling. The organisation of clinical genetic services, DNA banks. Covered across Chromosomal abnormalities and inherited conditions in psychiatry and Clinical genetics
3.7.3 Methods to identify genetic disorders. Techniques in molecular genetics: restriction enzymes, molecular cloning and gene probes, Southern blotting, restriction fragment length polymorphisms, recombination. Techniques in genetics (forthcoming)
3.7.4 Molecular and genetic heterogeneity. Phenotype/genotype correspondence. Endophenotypes/Biotypes. Techniques in genetics (forthcoming)
3.7.5 Epigenetics. The types, causes and effects of epigenetic modification and the transmission of these changes through generations. How drugs, psychotherapy, good and adverse experiences can modify epigenetics. Clinical genetics
3.7.6 Gene modification/editing. The emerging techniques using CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) genes and similar tools for precision genome engineering. Techniques in genetics (forthcoming)
3.8 Neurodevelopment and neuroplasticity
Syllabic curriculum content

3.8.1 The development and localisation of cerebral functions throughout the lifespan from the foetal stages onwards.

3.8.2 Neurodevelopmental models of psychiatric disorders.

The development of cerebral functions

3.8.3 Neurobiology of attachment

3.8.4 Neuroplasticity including: Neurobiological effects of stress: pre-, peri- and post-natally, developmentally and in adults. Neurobiological effects of learning and psychological therapies.

3.8.5 Intelligence and learning disability.

Currently no corresponding content
3.8.6 Effects of injury at different ages on the brain and mental function (including traumatic brain injury, inflammatory lesions e.g. multiple sclerosis, and neoplastic lesions). The development of cerebral functions
3.9 Integrated neurobiology of the following specific syndromes and states:
Syllabic curriculum content

3.9.1 Autism

3.9.2 ADHD

3.9.3 Drug use, addiction, tolerance, withdrawal, relapse

3.9.4 Anxiety Disorders

3.9.5 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders

3.9.6 Obsessive Compulsive and related Disorders

3.9.7 Major Depressive Disorders

3.9.8 Bipolar Affective Disorders

3.9.9 Psychosis

3.9.10 Neurocognitive deficits in psychotic disorders

3.9.11 Self-harm and suicidality

3.9.12 Medically unexplained symptoms

3.9.13 Delirium.


Currently no corresponding content
3.10 Neurodegeneration
Syllabic curriculum content
3.10.1 Controversies in the pathophysiology of neurodegeneration.


Currently no corresponding content

3.10.2 Alzheimer’s Disease.

3.10.3 Vascular dementia.

3.10.4 Pick’s Disease and Fronto-temporal Dementias.

3.10.5 Lewy Body diseases including Parkinson’s Disease.

Neuropathology: Part 1 – dementia

3.10.6 Prion Diseases.

3.10.7 HIV brain disease.

Neuropathology: Part 2 – prions and HIV
4. Clinical psychopharmacology
4.1 General
Syllabic curriculum content

4.1.1 Outline knowledge of the history/evolution of psychotropic compounds.

4.1.2 Classification of major classes and intra-class groups.

4.1.3 The placebo effect.

4.1.4 Compliance/adherence: relevance and methods of maximisation.

General principles of clinical psychopharmacology

4.1.5 Assessment methods and monitoring: efficacy and tolerability.

4.1.6 Basic principles of drug development and evaluation: Phases I – II Phase III – the RCT in psychiatry: randomisation/endpoints (primary/secondary)/superiority vs non-inferiority/accounting for missing data.

4.1.7 Drug regulation: the purposes and processes of licensing, ‘approved’ versus ‘off-label’ use, branded versus generic drugs.

Currently no corresponding content
4.1.8 Principles of rational prescribing: the ‘risk/benefit’ appraisal. General principles of clinical psychopharmacology
4.2 Pharmacokinetics
Syllabic curriculum content
Module General principles of: absorption/distribution/metabolism/elimination. effect of mode of administration on kinetics.

Pharmacokinetics: Part 1 – introduction protein binding – consequences in health and disease. half-life (t½)/Tmax/Cmax)/volume of distribution (Vd)/area under the curve (AUC) – relevance to prescribing. Principle of kinetic modelling – linear versus zero-order kinetics: practical implications.

Currently no corresponding content the CYP450 system – major isoforms; substrates, inducers and inhibitors. Pharmacodynamics: Part 1

4.2.2 Kinetic changes in health (e.g. pregnancy) and disease and across the life span.

4.2.3 Psychotropics: lipophilicity versus hydrophilicity the blood-brain barrier – structure and function especially in relation to psychopharmacology.

4.2.4 Principles of pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics.

Pharmacokinetics: Part 1 – introduction. Currently no corresponding content for
4.2.5 Principles of therapeutic drug monitoring – limitations with psychotropics. Pharmacokinetics: Part 2 – therapeutic drug monitoring
4.3 Pharmacodynamics
Syllabic curriculum content
Module Main receptor subtypes in relation to psychotropic drug actions. Outline knowledge of receptor structure/function. ‘Superfamilies’: metabotropic (with emphasis on G protein-coupled receptors) ionotropic. Receptor binding mechanisms – concept of affinity and basic assessment methods. receptor binding profiles of commonly utilised agents. Major pharmacological actions at receptor sites: concept of intrinsic activity agonism/antagonism/partial agonism/inverse agonism. Intracellular effects of receptor activation signalling cascades/second messengers/gene networks.

Pharmacodynamics: Part 1

Currently no corresponding content for and

4.3.2 Putative mechanisms of action of major psychotropic/psychoactive classes (‘target’ actions) at molecular and systems levels: Antipsychotics Antidepressants Mood stabilisers Sedative hypnotics Cognitive enhancers Opioids Psychostimulants Cannabinoids Hallucinogenics Novel (new) psychoactive substances.

4.3.3 Major aetiological theories underpinned by pharmacological mechanisms: the Dopamine Hypothesis the Biogenic Amine Hypothesis the Cholinergic Hypothesis (cognition) the Cholinergic-Adrenergic (balance) Hypothesis (mood) the Glutamatergic Hypothesis the Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis.

Pharmacodynamics: Part 2 (forthcoming)

4.3.4 ‘Non-target’ (off-target/adverse) actions of major psychotropic/psychoactive classes and their management. from general pharmacology: for example: postural hypotension/sedation/sexual dysfunction etc.; weight gain and metabolic dysfunction; QTc prolongation. from specific pharmacology: for example extrapyramidal symptomatology/NMS; serotonin syndrome. idiosyncratic – toxic/allergic reactions: for example: blood dyscrasias; hepatotoxicity/allergic hepatitis; skin reactions – including outline knowledge of Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis; myocarditis/cardiomyopathy.

4.3.5 Teratogencity and developmental abnormalities associated with psychotropic drug use in pregnancy.

4.3.6 Non-psychotropic medications in psychiatric practice and their use: for example: antimuscarinics antiepileptics (non-mood stabilising) analgesics: opioid/non-opioid beta-blockers dopamine agonists adrenergic agonists.

Adverse drug reactions
4.3.7 Putative neurochemical changes associated with ECT. Pharmacodynamics: Part 2 (forthcoming)
4.4 Therapeutics
Syllabic curriculum content
Module Establishing goals of treatment. Rational prescribing in the context of: specific psychiatric diagnoses (disorders and severities of disorder) phases of illness (acute/subacute/maintenance) physical health status/co-prescribed medications age. Tailored prescribing and the individual risk-benefit appraisal.

Covered across Adverse drug reactions, Pharmacodynamics: Part 1/Part 2 (forthcoming), Pharmacokinetics: Part 1/Part 2 Knowledge of dose ranges, minimum effective doses, time scales for evaluating efficacy strategies for managing non-/poor-response: standardised definitions of ‘treatment resistance’ (schizophrenia/major depression) and systematic strategies for management of ‘treatment resistance’. Recommendations for switching within major classes and across compounds.

Covered across Adverse drug reactions, Pharmacodynamics: Part 1/Part 2 (forthcoming), Pharmacokinetics: Part 1/Part 2

4.4.3 Monitoring – efficacy and tolerability, including knowledge of commonly utilised standardised schedules.

4.4.4 Dependency and withdrawal – including management: with substances of abuse with prescribed psychotropics.

Covered across Adverse drug reactions, Pharmacodynamics: Part 1/Part 2 (forthcoming), Pharmacokinetics: Part 1/Part 2

4.4.5 Prescribing in special circumstances: children and adolescents the elderly eating disorders physical co-morbidities: hepatic failure/renal failure/cardiovascular disease pregnancy.

Currently no corresponding content
4.4.6 Controlled substances: drugs used in management of addictions - putative modes of action and safety/tolerability issues. Covered across Adverse drug reactions, Pharmacodynamics: Part 1/Part 2 (forthcoming), Pharmacokinetics: Part 1/Part 2
4.4.7 The pharmacological management of psychiatric emergencies. Currently no corresponding content
4.4.8 Adverse event reporting. Adverse drug reactions

4.4.9 Advice on driving and other complex behaviours.

4.4.10 Drug-drug interactions: Pharmacokinetically mediated Pharmacodynamically mediated.

Currently no corresponding content
5. Classification and assessment in psychiatry
Syllabic curriculum content

5.1 Classification systems:

5.1.1 a working knowledge of ICD and DSM classification and diagnostic systems

5.1.2 WHO classification of impairments, disabilities, and handicaps. A working knowledge of “statementing” for special needs education.

Currently no corresponding content

5.2 Assessment of the various biological, psychological and social factors involved in the predisposition to and onset, and maintenance of psychiatric disorder. Covered in Social factors and specific mental health issues and Stress – Physiological and psychological aspects

5.2.1 history taking and examination of the mental state.

5.2.2 Descriptive Psychopathology: Disorders of self Disorders of emotion Disorders of speech and thought Disorders of perception.

Currently no corresponding content Movement disorders. The anatomy of the basal ganglia Disorders of cognition. Covered in Memory (section 5) and Neuropathology: Part 1/Part 2 Uncommon psychiatric syndromes. Currently no corresponding content

Useful TrOn modules without direct points in the syllabic curriculum

A brief introduction to the history of psychiatry

Mental health tribunals: giving evidence